
Tuesday, July 7, 2020


Luke 11:9@Jesus says, "Abide in
Me." These words convey the idea of rest, stability, confidence. Again He
invites,"Come unto Me, . . . and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28. The words
of the psalmist express the same thought: "Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for
Him." And Isaiah gives the assurance, "In quietness and in confidence shall be
your strength." Psalm 37:7; Isaiah 30:15. This rest is not found in inactivity; for
in the Saviour's invitation the promise of rest is united with the call to labor:
"Take My yoke upon you: . . . and ye shall find rest." Matthew 11:29. The heart
that rests most fully upon Christ will be most earnest and active in labor for Him.


Rev.3:20@Jesus says, "Abide in
Me." These words convey the idea of rest, stability, confidence. Again He
invites,"Come unto Me, . . . and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28. The words
of the psalmist express the same thought: "Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for
Him." And Isaiah gives the assurance, "In quietness and in confidence shall be
your strength." Psalm 37:7; Isaiah 30:15. This rest is not found in inactivity; for
in the Saviour's invitation the promise of rest is united with the call to labor:
"Take My yoke upon you: . . . and ye shall find rest." Matthew 11:29. The heart
that rests most fully upon Christ will be most earnest and active in labor for Him.

Monday, July 6, 2020


Eph.2:8-9 Many have an idea that they
must do some part of the work alone. They have trusted in Christ for the forgiveness of
sin, but now they seek by their own efforts to live aright. But every such effort must
fail. Jesus says, "Without Me ye can do nothing." Our growth in grace, our joy,
our usefulness,--all depend upon our union with Christ. It is by communion with Him,
daily, hourly,--by abiding in Him, --that we are to grow in grace. He is not only the
Author, but the Finisher of our faith. It is Christ first and last and always. He is to be
with us, not only at the beginning and the end of our course, but at every step of the
way. David says, "I have set the Lord always before me: because He is at my right
hand, I shall not be moved." Psalm 16:8.

Can u handle the 'TRUTH'???(John 8:32)

John 8:32KJV. 32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.